Thursday, 22 November 2012

Kitchen Garden - November 2012

A fairly big reorganisation with the news that we will staying here at least another 12 months (yay). Making way for planned expansions.

Making seed tape

Under spotlight. In this small space is: sunflower, corn, tomato, capsicum, summer squash, zuchini, sweet potato, luffa, carrot, lettuce, strawberries, brown onion, spring onion
Herbs near the kitchen\back door
Away from the wall - better access, air flow and sun
The start of the mushroom kingdom
For tonight's stir fry dinner

Monday, 19 November 2012

Jake in Sydney

Less talk more photos...

Busy busy, a lot of rambling

Hi, I know I have been quiet again lately, with the change of seasons, and a bit of an attitude adjustment, I have actually been super busy. Some recent highlights include:

- did a 'mini' triathalon - one of the Pink series and have another this coming Sunday. Went freeform/meditative dancing with Nina - something I have had in the back of mind to do for ages. I am also starting a rollerskating class tomorrow night, with some friends from work and have been going to the gym regularly including completing an 8 week program being a prac subject for Matt. Despite being active and eating reasonably well, my weight and heath has not improved. *too much information warning* Recently I also hurt my back, and my weight no doubt contributed to this as well as the lack of success to date in making a baby. Just today my GP has referred me to an endocrinologist and doing some other stuff too - hopefully some answers soon.

- had my first piano exam - preliminary grade, woot. I got a B which I am happy with as nerves got the better of me and I made lots of mistakes. The feedback was, yes, I made many mistakes but they were minor, I captured the gist of the songs. My teacher and I have developed an ambitious plan to help me achieve my goals. Next up is Muscianship over the summer holidays and Grade 1 piano in Feb.

- as a wedding anniversary gift I bought Matt couple guitar lessons - romantic? Within 3 sessions Matt has quite comfortably caught up to me. I have not done a formal singing lesson in yonks, not since Nat has been busy touring, but would really like to restart them too, if I can find some time.

- tackled a few crafty things lately: crochet beanies and socks, paper-making, making seed tape for the garden, a few gifts/surprises ;) and a few fails.

- the garden is growing. Will do a separate post soon(ish)

- work is going along steady - still loving my Tuesday Toddler Music Group. Waiting to hear if my application to write a paper about the group has been accepted. The DA for the renovations went through council this week and the 'house' is very nearly finished. Next year is going to be challenging . We will all be working off site, mostly from home, hmmm, need to move the craft off my desk. But 2014 will be awesome - essentially triple the size, both in office and therapy space, including a dedicated 'sensory' room and expanded preschool program.

- family are all good. We have been unofficially offered another 12 month lease on our awesome little big house. Mr Smokey is his usual sooky self. Liam and Liz have both moved on from flipping burgers and have 9-5 corporate jobs. Liam with Suncorp and Liz, iinet. Liam plays two games of soccer per week and often goes to the gym with Matt.

- Jake stayed with us last holidays, with Neets and Sam in the city at the same time  - separate post to come also. Also visits from my sister, Nita and recently Ewen and Margaret.

- finally, if you haven't heard the news... Matt is now officially a former film editor. He finished up his final gig last month. This has been 'in discussion' for the past two years. He still loves storytelling and may go back but the lifestyle was just too punishing and other things have called. Over the past year, while working full time, he has earned his Cert 3 and 4 in fitness. Now waiting for his rego and ABN to come thru and applying for gym work. The main goal is Uni next year, science. Application in, offers in Jan.

What's your news?