Monday, 30 July 2012

Sarah's craft 2012 so far

This winter has been COLD. I (we) love our house but a large old house after a modern one bedroom unit above a restaurant kitchen has been a huge adjustment that I especially haven't coped very well with. Most of winter I have spent sick and/or curled up on the couch under my electric throw rug crocheting, knitting and crafting my little heart out. Here are a few of my creations (with cute models):

Sammy's slippers and bunting
Jambin's elf hat

Darcy's monster hat
Isaac's monster hat
Jacob's comic book birthday card
Some stuff for me/us!
Reusing jars around the house - here in the bathroom for hand soap, moisturiser and plants.
In the shower. We can buy in bulk then pour out as needed. The beautiful bottles were milk containers from a local food coop.
Dishcloth from kitchen cotton. When its gets dirty - chuck it in the wash! I have made three different styles so far. Still deciding which is the favourite.

Plarn (plastic bag yarn) work-in-progress basket. 
I have not bought a single pattern and a lot what I have made uses repurposed materials. Most of my inspirations have come from - an online and 'social-media' pinboard. If you like craft (or fashion / food / photography / other) it's great, but addictive - I have heaps more things 'pinned' ready to tackle as I can find the time.

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