Wednesday, 30 March 2011

I have new hair

I hadn't done anything with my hair pretty much since the wedding. So it was getting long, natural brown and lanky. It needed to come off!


Assymetrical bob

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Wedding (pro) photos

For anyone we haven't shown these to... here are some of our wedding photos! We are in the process of wading through all the beautiful images Stephen took for us and putting together albums. Hopefully school holidays soon means it will get done.

Alex's holiday with Uncle Matt & Sarah

Alex was originally going to come and stay with us for a few days in January, a trip just by himself. Unfortunately, then the QLD floods happened. Alex's family were 'trapped' in their town for many days due to flood waters and damaged infrastructure, there was no way of getting Al to the airport! He made it to visit in early March and we had a great weekend :)

A geektastic weekend!

Many games of Magic the Gathering

Giant Lego statues at Sydney Aquarium

Welcome friends and family

I have been mulling over for the past week or so starting this blog. With most of our immediate and extended families interstate plus great friends in various parts of the world, I though it would be nice to share our doings in this way. I'm not much of a writer and as the saying says 'a picture tells a thousand words' so my intention is to keep it mostly photos. Finally, as with many of my great schemes... my enthusiasm may wane, but we'll see how we go.

Hugs and love, Sarah (and Matt)